You cannot live a happy and meaningful life if you are disconnected and fragmented.

Are you struggling with distressing memories from the past that intrude on your peace of mind today?

Have you experienced a recent traumatic event?

Do you feel anxious, worried or depressed a lot of the time?

Do you feel overwhelmed by your emotions and the challenges of everyday life?

Are you struggling to maintain successful relationships with the people around you?

Are you stuck in grief, overwhelmed by a recent loss?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above – you might be suffering from the complexity of Trauma.

You may not be sure if what’s happened to you counts as ‘real’ trauma and being a trauma survivor is a different experience for everyone.

As humans, we tend to minimise our own experience, which can make it harder to reach out for the help you really want and need.

What you are probably experiencing is the feeling of “being stuck“: you are not moving forward in your life your work isn’t getting done you feel isolated and left alone you keep revisiting disturbing images and thoughts from the past.

You may have tried therapy or read some self-help books, but they didn’t help in the long term and you still feel stuck and that you are not really living life to it’s full potential.

If any of this sounds like you – then you are in the right place.

To begin your healing journey today, book a session with Nat

I see you, I hear you, I believe in you

There is magic that occurs when someone feels truly seen & relief when someone feels truly heard.
There are no judgments or expectations at EmpoweredByNat/TheListeningEar, you are supported through understanding eyes & listening ears.

Heart- Led & Supportive

Your sessions are tailored to your individual needs, they are centred around you.
Together we work through any obstacles, empowering you to live your life with Purpose, Freedom & Passion

“Trauma is the most avoided, ignored, denied, misunderstood &
untreated cause of human suffering.”

P. Levine

Services offered by EmpoweredByNat

Individual Counselling

Holistic Trauma Therapy (Working somatically)

Couples/Relationship Therapy

Holistic Stress Management

Holistic Disease & Illness Support and Therapy

Holistic Grief Counselling

Root Cause Therapy

I am often asked…. What is Somatic Therapy? & Holistic Therapy?

To break it down simply, Somatic & Holistic Therapy acknowledges that “YES” the mind has an idea about what happened to us, but our body also has an experience of life also & sometimes what our body remembers doesn’t match the story our mind has constructed, because the emotions in the body are just too painful.

These therapies treat you as a whole being, You in your entirety.

“When I accept myself just as I am, then I can change”

– C. Rogers

FREE DOWNLOAD – Determining Your Core Values

Transformational Coaching/Mentoring
Holistic Therapy, Counseling & Stress Management